Board Game Blog

Kendra Ring

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What You Need To Know Before You Host a Murder Mystery Party

Dec 4, 2017 4:04:12 PM / by Kendra Ring



Any mystery lover can easily get wrapped up in the excitement of hosting a murder mystery party, but may end up overwhelmed by the event if they don't properly prepare. Knowing how to choose the right game, set up properly, and keep the story going is vital to creating an event that keeps guests engaged without making you want to pull your hair out. Here are some questions you should answer before sending out the invites (or stabbing anyone in the ballroom with the pen knife.)

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5 Cheap (but fun!) Girls' Night Ideas

Dec 4, 2017 3:49:48 PM / by Kendra Ring



Getting together with your favorite ladies is always a win, but even it though it leaves your hearts feeling full, it can also leave your purse feeling empty. Instead of avoiding the cost with a never-ending stream of empty "We should hang out sometime!" messages, please feel free to steal some of our favorite budget-friendly girls' nights.

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How to Host a Board Game Night (plus tips!)

Dec 4, 2017 3:37:18 PM / by Kendra Ring


Choose Games that Fit Your Guests

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Female Gamers on What Women Want in a Board Game

Nov 28, 2017 3:46:23 PM / by Kendra Ring


Here at Melina Games, designing board games that women will love to play is one of our top priorities... because we ARE women who play board games. We know that developing "for women" doesn't mean making everything pink, and we've got a panel of Lady Gamers who have helped give us insight on what really does matter to make a board game female-friendly.

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5 Board Games Made By Women

Nov 20, 2017 1:07:53 PM / by Kendra Ring


The board game industry can seem male-dominated at times, especially if you've ever been to Gen Con board game convention or Magic the Gathering night at your local comic store. Despite the strong masculine aura, there are still plenty of female gamers out there, and some of them have started their own board game companies and/or developed awesome games. These aren't "girl games", and there's no "pinkwashing" involved– they're just fantastic board games made by women that everyone should check out.

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4 Strategy Board Games You Need to Play Right Now

Nov 16, 2017 6:43:25 PM / by Kendra Ring


Strategy board games are perfect for regular gamers, because the gameplay can be radically different every time, depending on the players' skills and techniques. These 3 games rank among our favorites, because they not only present a unique challenge to players, but will force you to think outside the box if you want to succeed.

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